
Two phase region ternary diagram
Two phase region ternary diagram

two phase region ternary diagram

Alloys with various compositions were cast, annealed, and analyzed in order to establish phase relations and phase stability under given conditions. The aim of the present work is to determine the compositions and solubility ranges of the binary and ternary phases in the Al-Mg-Sr system at 400☌, to analyze the phase equilibria, and to construct the isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Sr phase diagram at 400☌. In this study, the isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Sr phase diagram has been experimentally studied between 0 and 35 at % Sr. However, numerous discrepancies could be found in these publications as will be discussed below. Several experimental studies and thermodynamic models of this system were reported in the literature. Since Sr additions significantly improve creep resistance of Mg-Al-based alloys, Al-Mg-Sr phase diagram attracted attention of researchers. For these elevated temperature applications, new alloys are being developed through additions of rare earth (RE) elements or Ca and Sr. Unfortunately, they are not appropriate for the special automotive applications, such as powertrain components or engine blocks that require sufficient creep resistance at elevated temperatures. The most common commercial magnesium alloys are Mg-Al-based alloys, especially the AZ and AM series. The growing demand for light-weight alloys in automotive and aerospace industries determines the continuously increasing interest in magnesium-based alloys. The isothermal section of the Al-Mg-Sr system at 400☌ has been constructed using results of the phase analysis and experimental literature data.

two phase region ternary diagram

Solubility limits of binary and ternary phases were determined and the phase equilibria among phases were established. Two ternary phases were found in this system. It was determined that the intermetallic phases in the Al-Mg-Sr system have a tendency to form extended substitutional solid solutions. Maguire, Rachael L.The Al-Mg-Sr system is experimentally studied at 400☌ using EPMA and XRD techniques. This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering.

two phase region ternary diagram


This simulation runs on desktop using the free Wolfram Player. The point of intersection is the plait point. The point at which the α phase switches to the β phase on the phase envelope is the plait point, which is found by following the tie lines up until a tie line is tangent to the phase envelope boundary. Points along the left of the phase envelope boundary belong to the α phase, and the points along the right belong to the β phase. The endpoints of each tie line correspond to the compositions of the two phases in equilibrium (α and β phases), and these compositions are shown when the “show α phase” and “show β phase” options are selected. In “view diagram” mode, gray tie lines are shown in the two-phase region when the “show tie lines” option is selected. “View phases” mode identifies the one-phase region and the two-phase region (phase envelope). These axes are labeled by drawing a line through the point this line is parallel to the base of the triangle that is opposite the corner corresponding to that pure component. The mass fraction of a component in the mixture is read off the axis that is the same color as that component. Each corner of the triangle corresponds to a pure component. The black point, which can be moved to any location within the triangle by clicking on that location, represents the overall composition of the mixture. This represents the phase behavior of mixtures of three components that are only partially miscible over a range of compositions so that phase separation occurs. This simulation shows a ternary phase diagram with a phase envelope.

Two phase region ternary diagram